Away... is an office management platform that makes it easy, beach-breezier than ever to enter, submit, approve, and keep track of employee time off.
To rename the platform and rethink the UX and UI of the entire calendar-based platform. But you know how we like to take things a little further? We also thought it would be cool to reimagine the tone of voice and add some fresh brand colors, along the way.
“Away” felt right. Then some relaxing, laid back, “hold my margarita” ellipses to follow felt even more right. We wanted to match that peace, calm, and gid that would come with getting closer to that much needed vacation. And that came through in our colors and font choices too.
Get closer to your vacay in just a few simple steps: Add your dates. Set a vacation type. Leave a note or reason (or don’t—we all need some unexplained me time). Get an email when it’s approved. Get. Excited. You can also keep tabs of how many days off you have left, see upcoming paid holidays, and see who else is out and when.
Why of course, it’s built with mobile in mind Keeping it all simple, intuitive, lighthearted, while making vacations just a tap away.
A lllllot of happy and rested Lateral managers and employees.